Metropolitan Council of Community Mental Health Centers
News – Metropolitan Council of Community Mental Health Centers
Educators Training – Addressing Student Mental Health
Addressing Student Mental Health: Resources and Support for Educators June 27th 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Do you know any educators and/or school staff who are struggling with [...]
Mental Health KC Conference 2024: Facing Trauma and Fighting Stigma
Our community faced traumatic events in 2024, but in addition to our shared traumas, mental health is also an individual challenge for many people. The Mental Health KC Conference is [...]
Mental Health KC Fall Symposium: Addressing Community Trauma and Building Resilience
The mental health community often works to help individuals cope with personal traumas, but another kind of trauma lingers under the surface impacting us all. Community trauma, also called collective [...]
2023 Mental Health KC Conference: Talking about Real Change and Breaking the Stigma
One in five people in the U.S. struggle with their mental health each year, and breaking the stigma surrounding mental illness is a critical public health issue. In recognition of [...]
Mental Health KC Conference Set for May 12 and 13
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Mental Health KC is an informative, timely and comprehensive day-and-a-half conference focused on educating the public about mental health and overall mental wellbeing for all. The [...]
Mental Health KC Conference Keynote: Laura van Dernoot Lipsky
Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, founder and director of The Trauma Stewardship Institute and author of Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others, has worked directly with trauma [...]
Mental Health KC Conference Keynote: Bruce Franks Jr.
Bruce Franks Jr. has proven to be a voice for the mistreated, disenfranchised citizens of Missouri. He has dedicated his life to public service to eliminate oppression through mentorship, social activism [...]
A Letter from a Trauma Worker on the Anniversary
Feb 22, 2021 For everyone who is struggling right now – who may be overwhelmed, at a loss, and wondering how you’re going to get through this – I am [...]
Mental Health KC Conference Set for May 6 and 7
Live virtual conference offers attendees customizable conference schedule with convenient session times KANSAS CITY, Mo. – The Mental Health KC conference will be a professional live virtual conference this year [...]
Just Like You
Metro Council is thrilled to partner with Just Like You Films to present Just Like You – Anxiety+Depression. This is an incredible work by a dedicated group of [...]
Mental Health Kansas City
Mental Health Kansas City is a day-long community conference focused on educating attendees about mental illness and overall wellbeing. The conference allows providers, business leaders, first responders [...]